Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Far East Energy (FEEC)

Company: Far East Energy Corporation
Web Site:
Purchase Price:$0.42
Current Price:Click Here

Far East Energy Corporation is a domestic firm (headquartered in Houston) that is working with to develop the natural gas reserves in China's the Shanxi Province, where there are considerable unexploited reserves of natural gas and coal.

After a lot of hype, the price of the stock soared to a peak of $1.60 summer, but speculators lost patience while waiting for the company to test and prove the production capabilities of an area hyped as having the potential to become one of the largest and most profitable sources in the world.

The company has recently completed a four-month exploratory study of the region, and the results have been positive, and I expect that the fever could catch again, and the price of the stock could go back to those same levels. And so, I'm getting in early and hoping to cash out on the next wave of enthusiasm.

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